Research on “Rāsikhān in Science” in the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


"Rāsikhān in science" is a Quranic term with less application but great importance throughout the Quran, whose meaning in the Quran and related topics still should be studied and recognized. A glance at the words of Quranic lexicographers would bring a more comprehensive meaning than what has been said. In addition, examining the words of commentators, retrieving and synergizing literary approaches such as the concinnity and style of words, shortness and limitation in the science of meanings and rhetoric, grammar and syntax, semantics and syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, and paying attention to other related uses in the Holy Quran, etc., can recognize that meaning and show its application in the Quran and related topics. In conclusion, the meaning of this term is "the scholars of Divine knowledge" [or Divine gifted knowledge] which God gives to some of His servants by His will. Such knowledge has both penetration and firmness, as well as faith and heartful peace for them, which prevent them from slipping and doubting. This is the same meaning of being steadfast in knowledge of the Holy Quran and the Infallible Imams (as) are its high examples who are also scholars in interpreting the Holy Quran. However, both matters are not limited and exclusive to them but there is no connection between Rāsikhān in science and scholars in interpretation.


Main Subjects

قرآن مجید
نهج البلاغه
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