Categorical Content Analysis and Geometric Structure of Sermon Hazrat Zahra (as) in Masjid al-Nabi (PBUH)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA, Department of Quranic studies and Hadith, Faculty of Theology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic studies and Hadith, Faculty of Theology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The sermon of Hazrat Zahra (as) after the death of the Prophet of God (pbuh), known as the sermon of Fadakῑyyah, is one of the most reliable religious texts and of the most important documents remaining from the history of early Islam, which well describes the situation of the Islamic society during that day. Hazrat Zahra, (as) as a person who knew the true teachings of Islam and issues of her time, in this sermon addressed the pathology of the society. She enumerates the problems and then presented solutions to get out of the unfavorable situation. Unfortunately, these historical and necessary discussions have been influenced by the discussion of Fadak issue at the end of the sermon, so that some imagined that seemingly the concern of her holiness was only to reclaim her father's inheritance, subsequently she protested to the ruler of the Islamic community at the time. Using the content analysis and categorical analysis technique, this research first identifies the main and sub-topics of the sermon and then draws its geometric structure. The results show that the main categories of the sermon are pathology of the Islamic society and ways to get out of it. Only a small part of the sermon, which was actually a mandatory answer to Abu Bakr's question, is dedicated to the issue of Fadak and the proof of the inheritance of children of the prophets. Using the categorical content analysis method in this research concludes the accurate drawing of the content of the sermon along with the description of the different dimensions of each section in order to understand the religious texts accurately and completely.


Main Subjects

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