Historical Interpretation of the Verses Related to the Prophecy of Roman Conquest of Iran with the Approach of Answering Misconceptions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran;


History shows that for a long time until now, one of the methods of fighting against the Holy Qur’an has been to create and promote misconceptions about this divine book. The opponents have not spared any effort and so many works have been written in this field, among which there is a book entitled “Criticism of the Qur'an”. Based on the denial of any miracles for the Holy Qur'an, it denied the correctness of the Holy Qur'an's prophecy about the victory of Romans over Iranians and so has considered it not a miracle, but a historical mistake. This study, based on a descriptive-analytical method with a critical orientation using library sources, aims to investigate this claim and criticize it. It comes to prove the invalidity of the opponents’ claim and then defend the theory of Qur’anic miracles. It shows that the arguments of the author of Criticism of the Qur'an do not only deny the miracles in the Holy Qur'an but also prove a manifestation of its authenticity.



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