A Comparative Study of the Role of Intention in Divine Punishment: Analysis of the Qur’an (2: 286) and the Story of Uzzah in the Old Testament

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Comparative Exegesis, University of Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Qom, Iran;

3 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Qom, Iran;



One of the discussions in the exegesis of the Qur’an and the Old Testament is the role of intention in Divine punishment. Since the punishment of the forgetful and the negligent is rationally unacceptable in Islamic theology, the interpreters of the Qur’an explain the verse Baqarah/2: 286[1] and answer the question: “Why believers should ask forgiveness for their mistakes caused by forgetfulness or negligence?” The exegetes of the Old Testament ask the similar question: “Why Uzzah was punished for his mistake of unintentionally touching the Ark of the Covenant?” Comparing the views of both groups shows that they try to bring an intellectual interpretation through which God’s justice may not be criticized. In addition, comparing the verse 2: 286 and the story of Uzzah will clear the theological story of the issue and then the punishment of Uzzah may be considered an exegetical example of the verse.


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