Teaching the Language of Qur’an by Qur’an (Exemplifying the Formation and Experience of Teaching Direct Language in Recent Centuries)

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Islamic Theology and Studies, University of Tehran, Iran


According to the Qur’an itself and the Infallibles (AS), pondering and understanding the Qur’an by Qur’an is the exact and precise way for comprehending the meaning of this divine script, the method that begins from understanding words. This article seeks to emphasize this way by explaining the connections between the words and phrases of the Qur’an, using the relations hidden in the components of the language of the Qur’an and proposing “a method for direct teaching of the language of the Qur’an.” Most of these examples can be used simultaneously with the teaching of correct reading in elementary ages through indoctrination and repetition to activate the Qur’anic intelligence of Qur’anic learners and their attention to the “contrasts” of differences and extracting the order between the components of the Qur’anic language, some of which are as follows: explanatory phrases, substitution, vocabulary and concepts contrast system, addition and expansion, combination and appeal, synonyms, various uses of the root, determination of case, context and situation. The emphasis of the article is on the first six ways due to the limited space. Moreover, as man has achieved some of these ways in its language learning experiences, a comprehensive overview of this matter is presented as well.



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