The Influence of Ibn Qūliwayh on Transmitting Hadith from Qom to Baghdad (Based on Najāshī’s Al-Rijāl and Ṭūsī’s Al-Fehrest)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Razi, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Hazrat Masoumeh, Iran


Ibn Qūliwayh was one of the traditionists of Qom in the fourth century, who spent last years of his life in Baghdad and great traditionitsts and scholars such as Ghaḍā’irī and Shaikh Mufīd learned from him. However, few information of him and his works are at hand today. Ibn Qūliwayh's influence on Baghdad’s Hadith may be illustrated in two Shiite bibliographical books of Najāshī’s Al-Rijāl and Ṭūsī’s Al-Fehrest. The fifty-two narrators, who own books, in these two sources were introduced and chained by Ibn Qūliwayh, citing forty ones in Najāshī’s Al-Rijāl. Some of them, such as the hadiths of Sa‘d bin Abdullah Ash‘arī, al-Rijāl by Kashī, and the jurisprudential books by Ibn Abi ‘Aqīl, were the most important books transmitted by Ibn Qūliwayh to the hadith sources at fourth-century in Baghdad. In spite of the great use of Najāshī, Shaikh Ṭūsī did not mention Ibn Qūliwayh's ways and chains, and even sometimes substituted weak chains such as those of Ibn Buṭṭa in similar cases. A glance at the Ibn Qūliwayh's travels shows that he brought the books of the traditionists of Qom and Rey, and then other Iranian hadith centers such as Khorasan and Samarqand to Baghdad, more than others. Also, Ibn Qūliwayh's travel to Egypt and other cities of Iraq caused to bring the old hadith documents and notebooks of Kufa back to Baghdad. Ibn Qūliwayh's particular ideas were interpolated by his disciples and subsequent generations, including Shaikh Mufīd and Shaikh Ṭūsī, but his influence on transmitting the hadith of Qom to Baghdad cannot be neglected.


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