Interrelations between the Qur’an and the Bible from the Point of View of Angelika Neuwirth:Reflection or Effectiveness?

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD of comparative studies of religions, researcher of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Iran;


The issue of interrelations between the Qur’an and the Bible has been continuously discussed by orientalists and Qur’anic scholars, leading to some various or sometimes contradict ideas. The scholar Angelika Neuwirth studied this interrelation and brought new theories. Based on notions including speaking language of the Qur’an and the late antique, she seeks to prove that the speaking and dynamic nature of the Qur’an was the very reason that the Qur’an talked about issues and information which existed in the late antique. Among the subjects and teachings of this period were the Biblical teachings which led to some notable questions and discussions. Reviewing this perspective and its possible features, including adaptation, reflection and effectiveness, the present paper tries to evaluate and criticize Neuwirth’s view of the interrelations between the Qur’an and the Bible; reflection or effectiveness. Briefly in conclusion, the idea of Neuwirth mostly shows the reflection of biblical narratives in the Qur’an without any effect on, claiming with several reasons and evidences.


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