An Analysis of the Prophet Moses’ Story based on Jaap Lintvelt's Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan;

2 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan,


The complexity of the biography and mission of the Prophet Moses, peace upon him, in the Holy Quran, especially in comparison with the narrative in the Holy Scripture, requires a fresh exploration into the body of the story. This research is of a descriptive-analytic nature aimed at analyzing the narrative style and linguistic elements based on the Jaap Lintvelt's theory with a suggestion for solving complexities and resolving outer conflicts by justifying the inconsistencies between the Qur'anic stories and old texts. According to the theory, an analysis of the type of narration, comprising a description of the settings for the consistent and inconsistent stories, is attempted. The findings of the analysis reveal that the story of Moses, peace upon him, has been recounted inconsistently in terms of the "narration" genre, combining the textual and activist literature. The point of view is objective, omniscient point of view, and the plot pattern is structurally self-contained. The model role in the biography of Moses, peace upon him, confronts the audience with the most didactic interpretations, and, using a fine processing of the narration constituents, the omniscient depicts for the audience the spiritual journey in the most challenging individual and social aspects of life, thus rendering the Quranic rhetoric lucid and eloquent for the addressee.


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