Meditation in Nahj al-Balagha

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor of islamic azad university


“Muraqaba” (meditation) literally is derived from the root of “رقب” meaning neck in Arabic. Given that Man in his deep and comprehensive monitoring keeps his neck in pulled mode, so God’s monitoring and supervision over man and man’s monitoring over his moods and his fellows is called meditation. God's monitoring for man and man’s for himself, have common aspects on his spiritual and moral evolution. But the difference between God's supervision and human monitoring and surveillance over himself is in this sense that God’s is all-encompassing, with no deficiencies and no mistake. Its results of this monitoring will not return to the God, while human monitoring of his states and his behavior is not to the extent of God’s care and may also be along with neglect. This paper studies dimensions of the above issues from viewpoints of Imam Ali (as).


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