The Impact of Wittgenstein's Epistemological Foundations on Izutsu in the Semantic Analysis of Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Sciences of Quran and Hadith


Izutsu, affected byWittgenstein's epistemological foundations, made an effort to deal with language of the Qur'an through semantics and to dothe semantic analysis of ethico-religiousconcepts on the basis of Qur'anic weltanschauung. As regards meaning, the difference of words is due to their use variety in the semantic field. Although a word has one basic and primary meaning, once introduced into a particular system like Qur'anic weltanschauung, acquires a lot of new semantic elements. According to Izutsu's semantical method, each word in a certain context, say, the Qur'an, acquires its meaning with presenting all features of that word and its derivatives and finally semantic model. Surely, all beliefs, presuppositions and fore-knowledge of every person effect on the semantic model that they present. Elucidating Izutsu's semantical method in the analysis of ethico-religiousconcepts in the Qur'an, the present article emphasizes the epistemological foundations that he is affected byWittgenstein, including "seeing as", "context principle" and "use theory of meaning".


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