Deviation from the Norm in al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Arabic language and literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Iran

2 MA student of Arabic language and literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Arabic language and literature, Kashan University, Iran


Deviation from the Norm in al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah
Literature deals with the arrangement and decoration of language with a beautiful form and an impressive message. Foregrounding and deviation from the norm are the outcome of the manipulation of standard language in its phonology, semantics, lexis, syntax, and dialects, among other aspects. Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyah is among the most valuable books of prayer in the world. Prayers can function as the most essential and universal factors of unity in the process of dialogue among civilizations and religions.
The elegant literary diction and style found in Imam Sajjads, prayers have enriched Arabic rhetoric and eloquent with the invaluable gems of foregrounding. Foregrounding in al-Sahifa operates on many levels, namely, the phonological, semantic, and lexical.
Key Terms: Language, deviation from the norm, foregrounding, al-Sahifa al- Sajjadiyah, scriptures, literature.
