References of the stories of quran to Imam Mahdi PBUH

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistance Professor, Shahid Beheshti

2 Professor, in Science of the Quran and Hadith University of Tehran

3 Associate Professor, in Science of the Quran and Hadith University of Tehran


One kind of mentions of Imam Mahdi PBUH is in adomen of the stories of predecessors .For several Quranic and traditional reasons, many traits of Imam Mahdi-a- are represented in "Qasas" verses of Quran. In this research, we mentioned eight of them. Then by pondering of these verses as a masal and as an Ayah of Imam Mahdi-a- and appearance age, several semblances are found between Imam Mahdi-a- and Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and some submission messengers of them. Substitution dignity, length of lifetime, occult birth, the occultation, trying their people, lugging unrighteous people, saving righteous people and habitancy in heavenly land are some of these semblances.
