Results of Utilize Method “Content Analysis” to Understanding the ‎Traditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Quran and Hadith Studies, Imam Sadiq University

2 Assistant professor, in Quran Sciences, the University of Isfahan


words Imams (AS) in the Quran, Islam's legacy Granqdrtryn and recipes for felicity in both worlds. This content-rich, and it is capable of identifying the various fields of human sciences and has been used as the basis for fundamental studies and applications will be considered.
and logical arrangement of his words together that we can have a clearer understanding of the viewpoints of the individual and found him deep in thought
Including the scientific method, the method of "content analysis" is more applicable in the field of political science, but studies based on this approach especially in narrative texts and religious sciences, have shown that this method of traditions have very good ability to understand and critique
