A critical study of Goldziher's view concerning Ibn 'Abbas's Taking impression from Jilan ibn farvah in understanding Quranic Lexicons

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Science of the Quran and Hadith University Tarbiyat Modarres

2 Professor, in Science of the Quran and Hadith University Tarbiyat Modarres

3 Professor, in Science of the Quran and Hadith University Tehran


Survey on Quranic Lexicons dates back to the early years and decades of early Islam. Abdollah Ibn 'Abbas can be considered the most famous and outstanding Quranic interpreter of all the Prophet's Companions with the exception of Imam Ali. Some like Ignaz Goldziher - bringing up a number of illusions and without considering the so many firm and obvious proofs and evidences confirming the valuable role and status of Ibn 'Abbas in interpreting Quranic Lexicons and confirming his reliance on genuine Arabic sources including Pre-Islamic Poetry and proverbs – have raised doubts about the genuineness of Ibn 'Abbas's interpretation heritage of lexicology; they suggest that it is the product of his questions from a person by the name of Jilan ibn farvah. This survey tries to prove the inaccuracy of the claim according to some historical and narrative reports and evidences.
