Attitude of al-Tabari, Ibn Kathir, and Tha‘alibi towards Commentatorial Hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author, Lecturer University of Seiences of the holy Quran, Khoi Faculty of Quranic

2 Professor, University of Qum


Among factors causing disagreement of Shiites and Sunnis
is commentatorial
hadiths. Such hadiths are of great
significance in the process of understanding as well as
commenting on the Quran–and even inferring juristic
precepts. Hence, attitude of Muslims towards such
play a significant role in the process of formation of their
beliefs and inferring Islamic precepts. Attitude of Sunnis
towards commentatorial
hadiths of Ahl-al-Bayt is of
greater importance; for on the one hand Ahl al-Bayt are
religious leaders of Shiites whose words are treated by the
latter as gracious, significant guidelines and on the other
hand Sunnis admit high status of Ahl al-Bayt and praise
their majestic personality–hence, being supposed to
consider their words at least at the level of other
Companions and disciples of Companions. In the present
research three significant Sunni commentary books are
surveyed, statistics of
hadiths of each Imam of Ahl al-Bayt
narrated in them is separately presented, attitude of those
three Sunni Quranic commentators towards such
hadiths is
analyzed, and through consideration of such statistics it is
proved that those commentators have not displayed good
attitude towards commentatorial
hadiths of Ahl-al-Bayt
and have not taken them into consideration in the manner
they were supposed to.
