Verses 16 – 19 of Sura 75; Knowledge of the Addressee and the Time of Address

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. Student of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, University of Tehran


There are two viewpoints with regard to verses 16-19 of
75. The first is the one which considers them as
parenthetical remarks among verses concerning the
resurrection which address the holy prophet in this world
and when the Quranic revelation was sent down. And the
second is the one which treats them as being in the line of
other verses of the
sura, which address the infidel man in
the day of resurrection and when the Record of Deeds is
read. Taking a deliberation-centered approach, the present
essay surveys the second viewpoint first and through
consideration of other verses on the Record of Deeds as
well as man’s awareness of his own actions,
narrated in this connection, and context of
sura 75 as well
as other verses on the resurrection, comes to the
conclusion that this perspective is encountering serious
problems. As for the first viewpoint, although it suffers
from some problems, it is more valid and is more
supported by the context of Quranic verses and
