Analysis and Survey of Classifications Presented for Qur'anic Readings (al-Qirā'āt al-Qur’aniyya)



“Reading of the holy Quran” is among Quranic sciences which is rooted in the oldest writings of Quranic scholars, and is a science based on narration. Comprehensive consideration of multiple classifications of kinds of Quranic readings has always been a matter of debate among scholars. Multiplicity as well as difference of theories in this connection makes attainment of an appropriate and comprehensive pattern difficult. It has also caused this dubiety that different readings may be so multiple and various that may basically change the Quran. Narrating, investigating, and criticizing chief opinions concerning division of readings, the present essay presents a comprehensive pattern for classification of various kinds of readings. Then, following that pattern, seven and ten celebrated readings are surveyed in all of the Quranic readings first, cases are counted and classified secondly, table of counted differences and singleness of Quranic readers and hadith transmitters is presented thirdly, and it is indicated finally that, despite authenticity of the unique prophetic reading and non-acceptance of different readings as being sent down by the Almighty, multiplicity and variety of narrated differences are not that much to harm massively-reported Quranic text.
