Investigation of Essentials of Quranic Exegesis From the Fifth Shi‘a Imam’s Viewpoint



The question of essentials or principles of Quranic exegesis is among major discussions of Quranic sciences. Essentials of exegesis, i.e., definite beliefs accepted by the commentator, play some role in the process of one’s commentary, as acceptance or otherwise of such principles may cause specific approach to the commentary creating different interpretations of same verses. There are so many hadiths narrated from the fifth Shi‘a Imam as to interpretation of verses as well as Quranic sciences whose consideration can reveal some essentials of Quranic commentary from Imam’s viewpoint some of which to be counted as follows: sacredness of the holy Quran, the Quran not being distorted, the single recitation of the Quran, possibility and lawfulness of its interpretation, multi-meaning structure of the Quran, authority of the holy prophet and Imams in interpreting the holy Quran, and so forth.
