Afarin Zare , Musa Bayat , Laila Diyanat



Denotation is defined as being a sign of something, as smoke denotes fire. However, literal denotation is used where meaning of a word takes shape in the mind because of conception of the word. Taking shape of meanings of words in man’s mind may be caused by such variety of causes as structure of the word, role of the word in a phrase, using a dictionary, circumstances of utterance of the word, and kind of phones of the word. The present essay intends to analyze and evaluate the 8th prayer of Sahifa from a phonological point of view and delve into the role of phones in conveying the message to the addressee. The main conclusion this research reaches at is that all phones in Sahifa are applied in their appropriate position and in conformity with addressee’s situation. Phones are so influential in the text that one can detect meanings of words and the dominant flavor of the text by listening to the tunes. Thus, in all prayers of Sahifa, including the 8th, form and content are tied together in such a way that replacement of any terms even with its synonym is impossible.
