The Verse wa in Yakad (verse 51 of Sura 68) in Al-Mizan and Fi Dilal al-Qur’an Quranic commentaries



As the last celestial message for mankind, the holy Quran has not dealt only with economical, spiritual, juristic, ritual, etc. aspects of man’s life; rather, it has constantly taken correction of people’s beliefs into consideration. Belief in superstitions and wrong beliefs can harm the society as well as individuals in a serious, irremediable way. Damages being caused by evil eyes and belief in the supernatural power of some looks are among such problems which involve a lot of people. The verse wa in Yakad is presented in some hadiths and Quranic commentaries as a sign to ward off the evil eye. Having investigated opinions of outstanding Shi‘a and Sunni Quranic commentators from early Islam up to contemporary era and having considered views of Allama Tabatabaee and Sayyid Qutb specifically, the present research intends to inquire into the reality of this subject and expound type of denotation of that verse as to the topic in question.
