Dr. Gorji and Quranic Sciences



Professor Abolghasem Gorji was an outstanding professor and also an eminent jurist of contemporary Iran whose valuable works were chiefly on jurisprudence and law and then on the Quranic sciences – as his edition of Quranic commentary Jawami‘ al-Jami‘ as well as annotations found in the end of a treatise entitled “criteria of veraciousness of commentaries” can clearly prove. Presenting a biography and introducing Dr. Gorji’s most celebrated books, the present essay expounds some of his perspectives on the Quranic sciences including definition of Quranic sciences, definition of commentary, arbitrary commentary, commenting on the Quran by the Quran, definition of clear and ambiguous, the relation of the Quran with rules of Arabic literature, and the relation between Quranic sciences and the science of usul al-fiqh.
