Difficult, Complicated Hadiths and How to Deal with Them



There are hadiths whose understanding and accepting would become possible not merely through observing principles of communication and not for everybody, but rather for specific addresses who are endowed with specific degree of knowledge. Such hadiths, which are narrated in Shiite collections of hadiths in a variety of forms and by various chains of transmission, are entitled “difficult and complicated” in Traditions. Understanding of some of such hadiths is possible only for three groups of proximate angels, outstanding prophets, and those believers whose hearts are examined for the faith; and understanding of some others is not possible even for those groups - such affirmation and negation referring to different degrees of hadiths. Consideration of whole text of such hadiths indicates their close relation with virtues of Shi‘a holy Imams and since perception as well as belief in the veraciousness of such affairs is very difficult for the masses on the one hand and holy Imams were living under circumstances of dissimulation on the other, Imams recommended their close companions not to broadcast them. To approach such hadiths is in need of special ways among them being referring them to the Almighty, the Prophet, and Imams without denying them.
