Methodology of Allama Amini's Criticism of Forged Hadiths



Allama Amini was among outstanding, diligent Shiite scholars of 14thHijri century whose efforts on the inquiry into Ghadir event wereunparalleled. There are a lot of notable points in his al-Ghadir fi'l Kitab wa'l Sunna wal 'Adab on the defense of "Shiite hadith" and rejection of accusation of privilege of forged hadiths in Shiite books - a part whose writing was motivated by reaction to the accusation made by some Sunni scholars that forged hadiths are abundant in Shiite works.
Allama narrates names of over seven hundred Sunni liars and hadith forgers and mentions some samples of their forged hadiths on the praise for or vilification of leaders of their four-fold sects on the one hand and reveals their prejudicial consideration of Shiite Imamson the other. He surveys the chain of transmission and text of 145 hadiths in order to reveal some efforts of them in order to conceal Imam Ali's virtues on the one hand and forge some virtues for the three-fold caliphs and some other companions on the other.
