Super Sensory Perception and the Glorious Quran



Research on the “Super sensory perception” has acquired a share in the ongoing study in the branches of psychology and experiential sciences for the two recent centuries. Novel results have been achieved as to the possibility and the course of formation of such perceptions. Having assumed an analytical-documentary approach making use of library books, this paper goes to deal with the issue in the light of the Quran. In the first part, the author focuses on issues on perception such as kinds of perception, the quiddity of perception, and the kinds of super sensory perception in order to pave the way for the second part. In the latter part, some verses of the Quran are applied to some kinds of super sensory perceptions concluding accordingly that the Quran confirms the possibility and the occurrence of those perceptions. Viewing the fact that revelation and the course of receiving it is one of the most evident cases of super sensory perception - and Quran being revealed in such a course-, the expected conclusion would be of more strength and soundness.
