The Influence of Qur'an over the Shaping of Lexicography



Among the questions under consideration on the subject of the influence of Qur'an over the shaping of literary sciences, is the subject of the influence of Qur'an over the shaping of lexicography. In this case, two distinct viewpoints have been explained: the first viewpoint is that the source of all lexicographic studies is undoubtedly the very Qur'an, and the second viewpoint is that it is nowise acceptable that such accurate rules and clear and judicious definitions existing in the lexicographic and linguistic topics in the works of al-Khalil and his counterparts, could attain such grade of perfection without any preceding background and sample. According to this viewpoint, Moslems imitated the methods of other nations in compiling lexicons and were impressed with them. The assessment of the arguments of both viewpoints demonstrates that the proofs of the second party is not convincing of their claim, and the historical study of early lexicographic works indicates that the first lexicographic topics begin with the vocabulary of Qur'an, and the principal factor in the shaping of this science is the very necessity of the understanding of Qur'an.
