Criticizing and review of the tradition “Verily God Created Adam/human being in his visage” in respect of al - Futūhāt al-Makkiyyah



The tradition attributed to the prophet that he said: «» (Verily God created Adam in his visage) is one of the bases of Sufis ideology and Ibn Arab? (Ab? 'Abdill?h Muhammad ibn 'Al? ibn Muhammad ibn `Arab?), the founder of theoretical Sufism (irfan nazari), often refers to it in his works. In his most famous work named: The al - Fut?h?t al-Makkiyyah, he attempts to show the correlation of this tradition and the doctrine of the unity of being (vahdat al-vojud). So in different themes of the doctrine, he cites that tradition «He believes that the pronoun » «in » « refers to God and so all his description of this tradition is on the base of Adam being created in God's visage and likeness. While according to “Sabab Wurud al-Hadith” mentioned in old authorized literature, the pronoun cannot be referred to God and the coherency of “doctrine of the unity of being” and this tradition is seriously challenged by Quranic thoughts and other traditions.
