Interrogation of Quran



Interrogation of Quran means to ask question in presence of Quran and asking of it to utterance and answer. This word first time has been brought up by Imam Ali (peace be upon him). Religious scholars have used it generally to exegesis of Quran to Quran, paraphrase, subjective exegesis and deduction from Quran. All of these applications consists one of the several aspects of interrogation. Interrogation of Quran has stable and clear bases such as universality of Quran, eternity of Quran and system of Quran, but from the point that: questions could be in which fields and who can interrogate Quran, there are some disagreements between scholars. The deliberation in the phrases of them shows that the disagreements have been caused by the difference of point of views. Spread capability of Quran has prepared this possibility that not only the expanse of questions from Quran is very widespread, but also even non-innocents after obtaining the necessary abilities can perform some degrees of Quranic Interrogation
