Lexicographical Method of Ibn Abi’l-Hadid in the Commentary of Nahj al-Balagha



Since Nahj al-Balagha is a literary text at the peak of eloquence, and words are considered the substance of literature, a commentator should undertake the clarification of difficult terms. Ibn Abi’l-Hadid, the greatest and most celebrated commentator of this valuable work, has paid particular attention to explaining and clarifying difficult terms. The present article deals with the lexicographical methodology of the commentary of Ibn Abi?l-Hadid taking the two approaches of following the traditional ways and deduction of new ways. Lexicographical works on which the commentator has relied for explaining the difficult words, at first sight seem to inspire the traditional method. However, the commentary is not restricted to this and includes clear novel deductions. He has interpreted the words as a criticizing scholar putting the lexicographical view of others under critical analysis and preferring some views to others. He relies for his deductions on the holy Quran, Hadith, grammar and syntax, figures of speech, context, etc. Furthermore, his theological school clearly plays a part in explaining words.
