Evaluation and Theoretical Criticism of Numerical Miracle of the Holy Quran



The widespread use of computers and software programs created a great development in religious researches and studies. Dr. Muhammad Rashid Rida, an Egyptian chemist resident in the U.S. , has conducted the most controversial research in this regard. Many objections have been raised against this theory. Every individual may choose a particular number such as 5, 6, 9, 12, 19, etc. and reach some arbitrary results. It is not possible to attribute some of these results -e.g.what is said about number 7- to every verse or every term of the Quran. Therefore, it is not correct to apply the word "miracle" to this theory. We may only term it as a marvel in the proportionality of numbers. The holy Quran is not a book of playing with numbers. Rather, it addresses the mind of human being, calling him to a journey in the macrocosm as well as microcosm. Thus holding numerical miracle of the Quran is an unacceptable expectation. The inimitability of the Quran lies in the first instance in its staggering external beauties such as its rhetorical beuty and rhythmic harmony, and in a profound sense in its supreme teachings and messages.
