A Criticism and Analysis of Approaches towards the Hajj of Imam Husayn p.b.u.h



It is presumed by certain historians and biographers that Imam Husayn left Mecca for Iraq changing his intention of Hajj or major pilgrimage into a minor one. This is the dominant view among them. Studying this issue, the present article deals with the traditions relevant to the subject in Hadith collections. A thorough examination of historical accounts and reliance on authentic traditions lead to the point that Imam Husayn entered Mecca intending minor pilgrimage or Umra and left Mecca with the same Umra in month Dhu?l Hijja. He had not started the state of ritual consecration from Shajara Miqat (appointed tryst) or other trysts to be forced to change his intention of Hajj or Umra of major pilgrimage into that of Umra of minor pilgrimage.
